The mission of Cosumnes Culture and WaterWays (CCaWW) is to promote, preserve, and steward the Indigenous Culture and waterways of this land, and the surrounding areas.

Indigenous people, those having historical and cultural ties to a particular place, have the right to know and practice their culture. The California Natives of the Sierra Nevada suffered dramatically by the impacts of the gold rush, and all the political decisions made on their behalf since. Many descendants grow up knowing they are Native, but don't know what that means. The culture, the language, the rites of passage, our ceremonies and our traditions have evaded many.
Cosumnes Culture and WaterWays has been given a rare oppurtunity to bring back the culture to the people and to the land. The land was once occupied by Miwok people. The spirit people are strong and plenty. We strive
to honor the ancestors of this land, by caring for it and all that passes upon it. We will teach the people how to listen again - to hear the voice of the waters, the land, the plants and trees. We will once again have ceremony. When we recognize what is sacred we remember our place and are open once again to take care.

The Invitation...
As we embrace the work that has been set before us, we welcome all those who have something to contribute. Those that carry the knowledge, the songs, stories, the ceremonies, it will take all of us to do this right.
CCaWW invites everybody with a desire to learn and work to create a living culture site. Join us as we gather traditional materials, deepening our relationship with the Earth. In the process, we learn how we impact our surroundings and become mindful to take care.
We are a 501-c3 nonprofit organization and we welcome your support to help us accomplish this important work.